the flow

Piece for the ‘Reborn’ group exhibition at The Hive, Shrewsbury (3-27 July 2021).

  • 28 x 40 cm, old and new letterpress ornaments on HoSho paper.

  • Edition of 6.

  • Hand-inked and hand-printed on my Farley 12 proofing press.

The pandemic has affected the way we live in our towns and cities. As restrictions ease, we start re-visiting and re-populating urban spaces.

New ‘flexible ways of working’ are being devised by many workplaces; they will change the architecture of those spaces, and how they are lived –from office spaces to commuting, from high streets to business districts.

The rebirth after lockdowns generates tensions: it questions our relationship with the environment, the ways of living and working of the world ‘before’, and our future. What have we learned from the old life, that we should not repeat it in the new ahead?


rat king

